Meet Pink

I was born on April 8th, 2011 at 9pm...
I was born to a mom and dad who are both AKC creme-colored English Golden Retrievers like me. I was the second born in a liter of 9 brothers and sisters.
Here I am at 4 days old with the pink piece of yarn given to me when I was born.
Here's a photo of my brothers and sisters. We all have a different peice of colored yarn!

I'm getting cuter every day...
Dr B knew we were meant to be.
I'm 5 weeks old and meeting Dr B. She found me and we knew each other immediately.
I'm learning the house rules and having to stay behind the baby gates until I learn everything I need to know about living here.
Dr B's a great teacher for me.

When I got a little older, I started school!
I started my schooling pretty early on - obedience and then certification. I graduated!
Really enjoyed classes; especially once I got to the fun stuff like advanced agility classes.
Some additional things about me...
I go to synagogue most Friday evenings and love being with everyone there. I make an exceptional "greeter" and like to do that for the High Holy Day services.
I've made hospital visits to the ICU, when my "grandma" was there, and even helped the nursing staff with other patients.
I love it when Dr B does her Facebook live videos because I like to join in on the action.
I make a great body-double and companion because I have even more patience now that I'm a little bit older.
I was in formal classes for most of my life. I'm getting my own agility equipment so I can train more often in my own awesome backyard!
Thanks for wanting to know more about me!