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Is Your G.R.A.C.E. in Place?

all blogs self-care Jul 21, 2021

Grace means a lot of different things, like decorate, triumph, objectify, accomplish. It also means to have favor—as in divine favor to accomplish something when the odds appear impossible. Grace can be the way we appear, the way we move our bodies, or the way we move through life. It can be the way we act— kind and generous towards others and ourselves.  

For me, grace means all those things and more. And I’ve applied it to my life in a unique way that I want to share with you. I use the following acronym for GRACE to promote personal growth. It goes like this:  

G—Goals vs. Fantasy 

Challenging ourselves to set true, achievable goals and not fantasy goals.

R—Reality vs. Fantasy

Choosing to live in reality by facing the truth about ourselves so that we can steer away from the illusions in which our fantasies keep us trapped.

A—Acceptance of the Truth

Acceptance of who we are and where we’re at in life and with our challenges helps us to choose change for the future. It’s not about changing everything about ourselves. It’s about owning our truth—accepting ourselves—-and finding the best way forward to be the best we can be in this life.


 Close all the escape hatches. Don’t give yourself any loopholes or exits when working towards the change you want to have. Be true to the goals you have set. 

E—Ensure Enduring Change 

The truth is that change is hard work but it can be the start of a successful new beginning. You can build it up step by step, finding out what works and what doesn’t work.

There’s GRACE for our lives when we choose to fully live within the gift of the life we’ve been given. 

We need YOU in this world—the precious awesome person that YOU are! 

So start working on turning your dreams into reality.

There’s GRACE for YOU! Go after it!