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More on Moving Beyond the Damage of Years of Undiagnosed ADHD - 025

adhd podcast undiagnosed adhd Jul 17, 2017

Welcome to the twenty-fifth episode of Harness Your ADHD Power, a podcast show I created to explore the many facets of adult life with ADHD and how you can learn to harness your personal ADHD power to become unstoppable.

 After the release of episode 023, I heard from many of you about the struggles you are having and how lost you are feeling as to how to get your life on track now, as well as take care of the things from the past that have built up over the years.  For many of you it's an overwhelming thought to even consider trying.  

I get it; I do.  I had a lot of wreckage from my own past that I needed to clean up while still living my life going forward.  I learned that I needed to balance my time so that I spent the majority of my time focused in the present, and part of my time cleaning up the wreckage from the past.  If I had spent too much of my time focused on all of the things I had to make right from the past, it would have been both an overwhelming undertaking and pretty depressing.  My skills for managing “paper” were pretty bad back then.  I used to just put it all in boxes to get to at a later time; of course, if you’re anything like I was, that later time never came.  I actually had boxes of papers that were never unpacked from moves I made; stuff that I never looked at for about 10 years, until I finally did, box by box and put that behind me.  I’m so grateful to have put a stop to those behaviors.

What I want to continue to go after today is the elimination of some of the needless suffering and misunderstanding that is tearing relationships and families apart, as well as having you think of yourself in a less than favorable way, to put it mildly.  Hearing so many adults with ADHD tell me they think of themselves as a loser, defective, worthless and so on is heartbreaking to me! 

Some adults talk about their struggles openly, while others feel such shame that it’s their "best-kept secret."  Remember, if you haven’t known what you were dealing with or what to do to help yourself, how could you have had a better life than what you currently have?  The shame belongs with how ADHD has been represented, treated, ignored and sidelined many times, not with you.  As I said in the very first episode of this podcast show, it’s not your fault, and you still have a responsibility here – or the ability to take action on your own behalf.

In this episode, I’m going to be taking a deeper look at moving beyond the damaging years of undiagnosed ADHD and what you can do now to turn things around for yourself and claim a more successful life.  Yes, what you can DO – that means taking “right action” to get the results and fine tune your actions as you go along.  It is a process, so please don’t let yourself off the hook here with taking action once, not getting the results you hoped for, and stopping there.  Seriously!!  Did you learn to swim or jump rope with just one attempt?  I know I didn’t, so keep going!!  You’re learning to do, not just standing up and do, like you’ve known how all your life.  Get real here!!


Full Episode Transcript HYAP Podcast Episode #025
More on Moving Beyond the Damage of Years of Undiagnosed ADHD
Monday, July 17, 2017

Today is Episode 25 with Dr B

Hey ADDers! So glad you could join me for today’s podcast episode. I’m going to continue on for one or two more episodes on this topic of Moving Beyond the Damage of Years of Undiagnosed ADHD because there is a lot for me to say on this topic and for you to learn about this as well. I hope you will find as much benefit from today’s episode as from episode 023.

After the release of episode 023, I heard from many of you about the struggles you are having and how lost you are feeling as to how to get your life on track now, as well as take care of the things from the past that have built up over the years. For many of you it’s an overwhelming thought to even consider trying.

I get it; I do. I had a lot of wreckage from my own past that I needed to clean up while still living my life going forward. I learned that I needed to balance my time so that I spent the majority of my time focused in the present, and part of my time cleaning up the wreckage from the past. If I had spent too much of my time focused on all of the things I had to make right from the past, it would have been both an overwhelming undertaking and pretty depressing. My skills for managing “paper” were pretty bad back then. I used to just put it all in boxes to get to at a later time; of course, if you’re anything like I was, that later time never came. I actually had boxes of papers that were never unpacked from moves I made; stuff that I never looked at for about 10 years, until I finally did, box by box and put that behind me. I’m so grateful to have put a stop to those behaviors.

I didn’t have any boundaries in place for my physical stuff and how much I could allow myself to have. I didn’t know that whatever I owned would require maintenance and take time away from other things I wanted to do. All in all, I had a lot to learn to transform my life into one that I am proud to say today I am very happy with. There are still times when it doesn’t all go smoothly or as planned. Unexpected things do happen. However, I have systems in place and understand how to manage myself so much better. I have learned to have contingency plans in place, have ample transition time in between all tasks, buffer time to accommodate the unexpected, and have developed foresight, a weakness for most adults with ADHD; not seeing the cliff until you are about to go over it. These are just some of the systems and strategies you will most likely need to develop, put in place and practice maintaining to get your life on track.

Another important piece to recovering your life and moving forward is the emotional component. By this I mean how you feel about you and who you think or believe you are; the “identity” label you have pinned to yourself in big bold letters, as if it’s a permanent state. It is not!! Who you’ve been and how you’ve lived up to now is NOT who you can become moving forward. Your past does not equal your future if you don’t bring your past into your future and keep reliving it there. However, when “trauma” isn’t resolved and needs to be, it’s keeps moving forward with us, kind of like calling out “Hey!! What about me? I need some help and some healing here!! Pay attention to me!”

Emotionally, there is also the grieving piece. Yes, there have been plenty of losses along the way, such as lost jobs or opportunities, divorces, bankruptcies, loss of respect, lost friends, losing important personal possessions, and worst of all, perhaps the loss of hope for a better future.

Another important piece is how your mind is functioning and what you need to do to upgrade its functions. There are many ways to approach this task. My favorite is training my mind and emotions with apps and online programs, such as HeartMath for emotional balance and Peak Pro for cognitive improvements. Neither of them is too expensive and it’s up to you to utilize them or similar training tools to get the results. Remember, this is about taking action!! You can change how you function moving forward!

And yes, there is a lot to do to repair the damage of years of undiagnosed ADHD, and it is doable if you have a plan in place for how to tackle it and have the support you most likely will need to make this journey.

Anticipating that you, like many other adults with ADHD all over the world want a better life and are ready to do what it’s going to take to create that life is one of the reasons that I have created many different resources for you. Here’s what’s available so far:

· This podcast show, Harness Your ADHD Power currently releases two episodes per week, on Mondays and Thursdays, and will soon be adding additional featured guest episodes.

· With listeners to this podcast in many different parts of the world, I created a space were we can all come together to exchange ideas, talk about challenges and get answers as well. This space is called The Harness Your ADHD Power Community and it’s a page on Facebook. Please come and join our community with other like-minded adults making this journey.

· Some of you enjoy watching videos as well as listening to podcasts, so three times per week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I go live on my Facebook page, ADDventures in Achievement and answer questions in an Ask Dr B format.

· After 30+ years of working 1:1 with adults with ADHD and hearing from many who wanted to work with me but couldn’t afford to do so, I took what I’d been told was the “affordable price point” and created an innovative program to meet your needs. ADDventures in Achievement was first launched last December, and I have intentionally kept enrollment small up to now. I will be opening up for new enrollment very soon, so hop on the Waitlist if you want to receive additional information and be the first to know when enrollment opens; before it’s announced to the general public. I created this innovative program to help adults just like you to have a safe space to just be who you are and where you are without any judgment, so you can gently come face-to-face with yourself, learn what you are missing, learn how to gain what you are missing, and move forward in your life with confidence and the support that makes such a difference, when you know you are not alone.

· I am in that online space 6 days a week and only gone for the 25 hours of my Sabbath. Other than that, you have access to me. We have live workshops, live group coaching calls, confidential forums and a supportive community of members all on their own journey from where they started to where they want to go. Whatever you need to learn, unlearn or relearn in new ways, you can do so in this safe space.

No matter how you choose to have me serve your needs, whether via videos, podcasts or my innovative program, it is an honor to accompany you on your journey and make a difference in the quality of your life.

So back to the discovery of your ADHD later in life or perhaps it was discovered earlier in your life but no one explained to you what it meant and how it could potentially impact your life, both the negatives and the positives. To me it’s such a crime when this happens, yet I can’t let myself dwell in that space because what’s done is done. Instead we have to move forward and I have to show you the way forward to a better life for yourself and not one where you get stuck in depression, anxiety, and the disordered life of unattended to ADHD.

First, some of the negatives:
· Depending on whether you are primarily inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive or a combination of both, you could be at greater risk for addictions, both substance and behavioral.
o Common substances include alcohol, marijuana, food, cigarettes, and adrenaline generating high-risk activities.
o Common behaviors include codependency, sex/love addictions, gambling, and heavy Internet use.

· Sleep problems, whether going to sleep, falling asleep, staying asleep or being able to wake in the morning refreshed.

· Fatigue from pushing so hard to get things done with less than effective strategies

· Depression and/or anxiety often co-exist and many times are identified before ADHD

· Memory problems, whether working memory, short-term memory or long-term memory

· Low self-esteem due to physical, mental, emotional and verbal abuse

· Fantasy thinking which has no steps to take to achieve your goals

Next, some of the positives:

· Gifted, creative and bright in solo endeavors

· An idea person who can lead a team to greatness

· Innovative, out of the box thinker leading to cutting edge discoveries

· Creative problem-solving; seeing new possibilities for current products

· Youthful energy and enthusiasm

· Turning dreams into reality once the path and steps are clear

· Hyperfocusing on something to discover the deeper secrets of its beauty

You are all so much more than a bunch of ADHD symptoms and deserve to be able to bring your gifts to life and shine your light brightly.

Some of you have made it into careers of your choosing and yet are struggling horribly to function in those careers that you’d love to be great at and manage more easily. I get it. There’s a lot to be learned, and you can learn, if you are willing to be a student of your own life. I refer to it as “being a student of your own life” because you are going to have to do the legwork to really discover a lot of things about yourself so I can help you to solve the challenges you are facing. I believe there are answers and solutions to all of the challenges that we as adults with ADHD face, if we just have all the information or facts that are needed to sort out the challenges. It’s like being a detective and investigating your own life.

What I want to continue to go after today is the elimination of some of the needless suffering and misunderstanding that is tearing relationships and families apart, as well as having you think of yourself in a less than favorable way, to put it mildly. Hearing so many adults with ADHD tell me they think of themselves as a loser, defective, worthless and so on is heartbreaking to me!

You do not have to be alone in this – not in your pain or your potential. There are millions of adults all over the world with many of the same struggles you are experiencing. So what, you might be thinking! I agree. Unless I help you get out of your pain and into your potential, then it’s good to know that you’re not alone, it is, but what about your pain? I’m getting there. Stay with me because we are moving from stuck to unstoppable.

Some adults talk about their struggles openly, while others feel such shame that it’s their "best-kept secret." Remember, if you haven’t known what you were dealing with or what to do to help yourself, how could you have had a better life than what you currently have? The shame belongs with how ADHD has been represented, treated, ignored and sidelined many times, not with you. As I said in the very first episode of this podcast show, it’s not your fault, and you still have a responsibility here – or the ability to take action on your own behalf.

Learn as much as you can about yourself and know where you are starting right now – today. If you have addictions to address, that has to be part of the plan. If you are underemployed or even unemployed, that has to be part of the plan. If you need group support, that has to be part of the plan.

As I said in episode 23, over the course of my 66 years now, I’ve experienced many different challenges, whether they’ve been physical health or mental health issues, and been driven to overcome them. Whether focus, follow through, self-management, learning differences, environmental sensitivities or others, I’ve needed to overcome them if I was going to live the life that was anything close to what I hoped for, and I also needed to overcome them if I was going to shed some light and guide others, perhaps like you, out of your stuckness, into the life you’ve been wanting forever. My phrase for that journey is moving from stuck to unstoppable.

So, no matter your age or when these challenges came to light, or whether you’re a professional trying to hold your own in your career and not crash and burn, or a student trying to finish up your undergraduate work to go on to grad school, or a mom who feels compromised by your challenges in addition to managing a household, kids and other necessities, you might all be facing burnout and feel thoroughly “exhausted” by the toll it is taking on you to try and have a successful life by yourself. The cost doesn’t go down the longer you wait to address the issues, or the older you get, so you may as well get to it now.

Well-trained professionals, support groups, effective meds if that’s part of your plan, best practices for you in terms of strategies, behaviors, skills, mindset and healthy habits for sleep, nutrition and physical activity are all part of the bigger picture here.

And remember to be sure that it’s adult ADHD that you are facing and not something else or something in addition to just adult ADHD. Statistically, the incidence of co-existing conditions such as depression, anxiety, OCD, addictions and more goes up the longer you go without a confirmed diagnosis and a treatment plan; no matter what that plan is. A simple online questionnaire or quick little checklist is not sufficient to rule in or out other important factors. This is your life we are talking about. So, please be careful with assumptions and self-diagnosing, if you want the best possible outcome for yourself.


As I talked about in episode 23, the possibilities of a successful life with adult ADHD are plentiful!! Just remember that we are an interest-driven people, and as such, if you are interested, you’ll be more likely to stay with it, even with challenges, than if you’re not.

Doctors, lawyers, CPAs, musicians, artists, entrepreneurs, writers, movie directors, actors, business owners, executive assistants, IT, office managers, construction workers and so many more possibilities to consider. Think about the things that you’re really interested in, and have a natural talent or knack for. Explore what you could do with that natural talent and what the possibilities are. Leveraging your strengths and talents for your success is a much easier and more fun journey than pushing again something that doesn’t come naturally to you, unless you want the challenge of developing a new talent.

And remember to pay attention to the pre-skills for every skill you need to master. Ask yourself what you need to know in order to do what you want to learn to do first? Do you need to improve your language skills before you can write that book you’ve wanted to write for years? Then language skills would be your “pre-skills” to writing the book. Whatever has to come “before” you can do what you really want to do is your pre-skill. I know it may sound like I am just adding more work on top of what you already have to do and perhaps I am. But what I’m adding is what is necessary and ignoring it will only set you back or make it impossible for you to succeed.

As I’ve said so many times before, I’m a work in progress, just like you. I still have things to figure out so I can keep moving forward; it’s just part of the adventure of life. The difference now is that I don’t blame myself or circumstances or anything. I get solutions-oriented in my thinking and start figuring out HOW I am going to get something done; not give in to the thoughts that there’s no way that it can happen. That’s just my mind telling me a lie.

Remember, I wasn’t born knowing about the systems and structures I needed to have in place to move myself from stuck to unstoppable, and neither were you, so as long as you are “teachable”, and willing to be a student of your own life, you can learn just like I did. And if you need more help than my live videos or podcasts can provide, there’s always the option of working with me in the innovative online program. There’s a waitlist for now and new enrollments open up next month. So hop on the waitlist if you have any interest in knowing more about what this innovative program could do for you.

We’re getting closer to today’s 3 important points, with relevant stories, an action step, and a favorite quote of mine. Let’s keep going…

I want you to remember that you are NOT what you do or don’t do; you are more than that. WE are NOT defective or less than as people – as human beings; we’re just wired differently and the difference is actually pretty cool once you have a different perspective and the tools you need for your own success. In this case, it’s whatever YOU are going to need to start succeeding and keep succeeding and feel good about doing so (otherwise, why bother?)

How much time do we have? Not much. So let’s get to it.

In this episode, I’m going to be taking a deeper look at moving beyond the damaging years of undiagnosed ADHD and what you can do now to turn things around for yourself and claim a more successful life. Yes, what you can DO – that means taking “right action” to get the results and fine tune your actions as you go along. It is a process, so please don’t let yourself off the hook here with taking action once, not getting the results you hoped for, and stopping there. Seriously!! Did you learn to swim or jump rope with just one attempt? I know I didn’t, so keep going!! You’re learning to do, not just standing up and do, like you’ve known how all your life. Get real here!!

Today’s 3 important points are:

1. Stop letting your past mistakes or traumatic events define and defeat you moving forward
2. Be the meaning maker of your life and give better meanings to each and every step you take moving forward
3. Risk asking yourself what you really want to do with your life, if you could learn what you need to learn that’s been holding you back

Now back to being an adult with ADHD in today’s world.

It’s almost story time but first, YOU need a WIN. You need to remember and acknowledge and celebrate at least one thing that is good about you or has gone right for you today, just one thing. Perhaps you’re going to see a performer you’ve wanted to see forever; that’s a WIN. Or maybe you’ve discovered a few small steps you can take to improve your physical health; that’s a WIN. Or maybe you’re enjoying learning about yourself and what’s working well for you; that’s a great WIN. Or perhaps you’re paying closer attention to your daily WINS and celebrating them; that’s definitely a WIN. Whatever you choose is up to you; however, I want you to choose something right now and celebrate it – either a loud or to yourself. I want you to have a WIN and acknowledge that at least one thing has gone right in your day, is right about you, even if you are feeling defeated because your ADHD has taken your life to an all-time low and you just don’t feel you can turn things around. Those feelings don’t take away from the fact that at least one thing has gone right today or is right with you. You are a precious child of the universe; and are called a “human being” not a “human doing” for good reason. You don’t have to earn your value; you were born with it. You’re value comes from “who” you are; not what you do. Got it? I hope so because you’re going to keep hearing me say it, because it’s so important to your self-esteem and quality of life.

There are a lot of different reasons why you might not have known the reason for your focus, follow through and self-management challenges and been suffering for most of your lifetime, even if you’ve been seeking help, and I’m going to share three stories with you today as well as talk about your responsibility in this (that’s right - response-ability or your ability to respond) – since you’re not off the hook here. I hope at least one of these stories will resonate with you and be of benefit. So let’s keep going.

Shifting gears to our first story…


· Dane had never been diagnosed with adult ADHD, however, he certainly had challenges with focus, follow through and self-management. His challenges came as the result of medical conditions, rather than actual ADHD. However, he still needed help to manage his life if he was going to have a successful life.

· Dane needed to become rigorously honest with himself about where he was really starting his journey before anything was going to work for him. This meant facing his past, which include the use of drugs and alcohol, sexual promiscuity, sexual abuse, debt, horrible decisions, and a host of medical conditions from a hard-lived life.

· It isn’t so much all that Dane did in his past that was the problem as much as what he did with his past in the present. He had been dragging his past with him for years now, long after all of these past events were far behind him, as if they were still happening now and defining who he currently is.

· This is often the case for those who have a past like Dane. Once it’s over and behind them, they either let it go and move on or drag it with them and label themselves as the horrible person they believe they are for having lived the life they lived, even though they are no longer living that life! It’s like projecting a hologram of the past onto every single day moving forward and still seeing the same horrible person even though that is no longer the person they are and no longer the behaviors they involve themselves with.

· Dane had a decision to make about his past. Was he going to forgive himself for what he had done “back then” and was no longer doing? Was he going to “end his lifetime sentence” or continue to serve time and punish himself for the mistakes of his past?

· And what about the better life that he hardly dared to let him think about? Did he really deserve to have that life? What made him think that he did or he didn’t?

· When he totaled up what he felt he had going for him and what was against him, he figured that the life he was living is the life he deserved and he may as well get used to it for the long haul.

· When he heard himself think this way it made him really angry! He felt that he wasn’t really choosing freely and that his life was being stolen from him based on his past.

Background facts:

· There are millions of adults who have recovered from that seemingly hopeless state of mind and body – whether it’s alcohol, drugs, sex, or so many other addictions. And there are those who have not.

· There are millions of adults who have recovered from the traumas of child abuse or molestation and gone on to live a good life. And there are those who have not.

· One of the key factors in recovery and healing is your mindset or attitude. It’s your beliefs that affect your attitude and it’s those beliefs that are responsible for the actions you will or won’t take.

· It’s an attitude adjustment that’s in order, because whatever you mind believes, is what it will achieve for you or not as the case may be.

So what can you do if you relate to Dane’s story? We have two more stories, before I get to some action steps. They’re coming…

Transitioning to our next story…


· Rita grew up being made to feel that she was wrong no matter what she did or how hard she tried. This history fueled her beliefs that she was a real loser and that anyone who wanted to be her friend, or hire her or date her would be a real loser too.

· She tried her best to do what she or others expected of her and even when she did manage to pull that rabbit out of the hat, so to speak, she never praised herself. Instead, she only had harsh words for herself about dragging her feet or not really applying herself or just wanting to goof off and not get to it; whatever the “it” was.

· It’s true that she wanted to play more than she had time for, but life seemed so overwhelming and demanding that playing or goofing off was about the only relief she had.

· She didn’t drink, smoke, party or anything like that. She had a pretty intense T.V. addiction that could keep her up at night until 2 or 3 am and then she would still need to get up by 7 am for work. She was doing what she could to curb this a little, but felt she needed it.

Background facts:

· Rita, like so many other adults with ADHD that I talk to, just wish that people would stop blaming them for every little thing.

· Rita really needed to find a way to turn things around for herself and make better meanings from the events of her life if she was going to stand a chance of ever being happy.

· Clearly she hadn’t yet heard of celebrating WINS or even know what a WIN was. Being a winner even about small things wasn’t even in her thoughts.

· Adult ADHD is a complex condition that takes the 3 P’s – patience, persistence and practice, to master your expression of adult ADHD as well as the meanings you give to the events of your life.

· If believing makes it so, then what you believe is the difference that makes the difference and taking charge of your meanings is vital.

· And once you do, moving from stuck to unstoppable is where you can go.

So what can you do if you relate to Rita’s story? We have one more story, before I get to some action steps. They’re coming…

Transitioning to our next story…


· Roe was aptly named, as she was definitely a timid one.

· People knew her as good-natured and easy to get along with. What they didn’t know was just how horribly unhappy Roe was because she never let on. She was too shy to speak up or assert herself when something wasn’t to her liking. She didn’t want people to be offended by her taking a stand and so she remained quiet. Don’t rock the boat had become her motto.

· One day when Roe was having lunch with her friend Roscoe, he could tell that there was something bothering her. Not one to just let things sit, Roscoe pushed Roe for information.

· “What’s up Roe he asked? You seem really out of sorts today.”

· She wasn’t going to say anything as was her usual way, but she felt as if she would burst if she didn’t say something. “I just hate my life and wish I could do something more interesting or challenging than what I get to do day after day; it’s awful!!”

· Roscoe had no idea. “Roe, why didn’t you say something before? You know I’m your friend and want you to be happy, just like I know you want me to be happy. What gives?”

· Roe said that she just didn’t want to burden Roscoe with her troubles and unhappiness. Roscoe gave her that look of his and said that she isn’t burdening him, she’s sharing with him, because it’s still going to be her issue to solve, but sharing it might help. Roe never thought of it that way before.

· Roscoe continued on and asked Roe what she really wanted to do with her life if she could make a change and learn whatever she needed to learn to live that life. Roe was quick to respond and said that she wanted to take care of animals because they didn’t seem to mind that she was shy. In fact, she realized that she didn’t feel shy around dogs and cats. What a great discovery she made that day!

· And then of course she had a long list of reasons why she wouldn’t be able to do that kind of work. Roscoe told her to slow down and they would take it one thing at a time and solve each issue.

Background Facts:

· Many people with low self-esteem don’t feel that they deserve to do better or have better. That their lot in life is what they have and they just have to make due, even though they aren’t very happy.

· And, it’s very difficult for them to see through the obstacles or challenges to the possible solutions to what’s standing in the way of the life they want.

· In fact, many never risk voicing what they really want to do with their life because they don’t want people to laugh at them or really allow themselves to want something and then not be able to have it. For many it’s better to not acknowledge what they truly want and just live with what is.

Action Step:

· It is your response-ability to get the information and training you need; in other words – your “ability to respond” to your needs and meet them

· The good news about learning the truth about where you are in your life right now and what’s actually going on is that it can help you to move forward with greater certainty, no matter what age you are, if you are willing to be a student of your own life and open-minded about what you need to learn.

· Finding out the truth about your life situation is about rigorous honesty. From that rigorous honesty and truth you learn acceptance. From acceptance you learn that you aren’t settling; rather you are learning to accept what is true and work with that truth, instead of operating from denial. You are learning to respect yourself enough to do things for yourself instead of bailing. Respecting yourself is about knowing who you truly are.

· Knowing who you truly are is about being able to separate out the difference between being a “human being” and a “human doing” and valuing yourself for “being” not “doing.”

· If you relate to Dane’s story, your action step has three parts:
o Focus – on what you are dragging from your past into your present and future and put the brakes on that behavior. Remember that you “used to be or used to do” that and not any more.
o Follow Through – and be very clear with yourself that you are no longer that person and clarify who you truly are today; make sure to give examples and make your case for today’s you. Stand up for you!!
o Self-Management – of your fears of allowing yourself to embrace a different future and step into it; a future with new decisions and choices to be made. Get professional help, as needed, since this is a big step.

· If you relate to Rita’s story, your action step has three parts:

o Focus – on the meanings you are giving things in your life and if you could be making better meanings that would serve to support you rather than tear you down

o Follow Through – and write out a document with your current meanings and the new meanings that you are going to give things

o Self-Management – be ready to encounter some resistance from these old meanings to being changed to something more encouraging and supportive and have strategies in place to handle that resistance by understanding what the resistance is actually about.

· If you relate to Roe’s story, your action step has three parts:

o Focus – on allowing yourself to tell the truth about what you really want to do with your life

o Follow Through – and share your dream with a trusted friend or professional and ask for guidance or help laying out the path to your dream

o Self-Management – get ready to start enjoying your life so much more, whether you actually reach your goal or not, because at least you are now in integrity and alignment with your true self.

Remember, your needs matter to me. If I am going to help make a real difference in your lives, I need to hear from you and need to know what your challenges are; what you are struggling with. And to help me know, I created the quick little survey where you can tell me what the #1 biggest struggle or frustration is you have right now and a little about it. It’s only 6 questions and you can be as brief as you want.

The link to the survey is in the podcast description, the Show Notes, and in today’s post on my website. I hope you can take a few minutes to respond to the survey. Thanks in advance for your participation and for helping me help you even more. Survey:

A Favorite Quote:
Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” The question I have for you at this point of our journey together is, “Can you allow yourself to just take the first step, without knowing what the outcome will be, so you can see more from the perspective of that first step?” I hope so!! It’s important!!

Whether you’re learning from my podcast episodes or live videos or working with me directly, you are in my world and I’m here to serve your needs. So be sure to reach out and get your needs met. It’s up to you to take action here so things can change for you. The 2 actions steps to get your needs met today are:

1. Ask Dr B and get your questions answered directly on a podcast episode.

2. Answer the quick little 6-question survey so I know what your #1 struggle or frustration is right now.

You’ll find the links for both action steps on my website! Do it for yourself today!

I appreciate you showing up to listen today and in the future. I have some special episodes in the works for you; they’ll be coming soon. For now, the new episodes are released on Mondays and Thursdays. As a subscriber, the newest episode will be in your feed by 1 am Pacific time, plus you won’t miss out on any “extra special episodes” I create with guests, as well as some other different types of episodes; certainly a good reason to subscribe. Perhaps make a date with yourself to listen to each podcast episode, so you hear your questions answered if you’ve asked any for the Ask Dr B format or just enjoy all the episodes, where I’ll be talking about such compelling topics as seeing the path and steps to your goals, maintaining the life you create, and more in-depth separate episodes as a spin-off from episode 013’s multi-level topic.

So, if you enjoyed today’s episode or any of the other episodes, please share this podcast show with your friends and family, as well as rate the show. If you’d like to do a little more, write a thoughtful review on iTunes so I know I’m meeting your needs. It doesn’t have to be anything lengthy; just a line or two of how the podcast is helping you, if it is. I love hearing from you and learning how the podcast show is benefiting you and those you care about. It means a lot to me to know you life is getting a little bit better every time we get together. If you want to participate in my quick little survey, ask me a question, get on the Waitlist to receive additional information about the ADDventures in Achievement program, or just download your Show Notes you can do all of that on my website, as well as learn about other resources and services, that is…if that’s of interest to you. Thanks for listening… Until the next time… Bye for now…


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Let's put an end to the worldwide needless suffering together! We can do this!