The 5 Ways of Coaching
Apr 23, 2022Maybe you remember your favorite coach--the one who believed in you, who saw in you what you could not see in yourself? That coach pushed you to try new things, to move a little faster, and to dig a little deeper within yourself–all so that you’d become stronger. We can all appreciate having mentors in our lives like this.
Without great coaches and mentors, we become stuck, unable to move past our perceived limits, unable to believe and walk into the fullness of our lives...
“Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to
maximize their own performance.”
~Sir John Whitmore
The best coaches almost always had to struggle themselves to become experts in their fields, and to learn to leverage every small advantage to reach their fullest potential. These types of coaches know the time, effort and energy it takes to overcome challenges because they’ve done the work themselves. This makes them perfectly suited to help others by offering just the right amount of empathy, encouragement and rallying! We all need people like this in our lives, don’t we?
Over the years I’ve had people who’ve guided me--my coaches and mentors-–who have spoken the truth in love, valued encouragement over criticism, led with a positive attitude, and believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. And even into my 70’s, I still pursue others who have more expertise in areas where I lack knowledge. And my life is richer for those who’ve invested in me.
Have you ever thought about getting a coach to help you in your areas of weakness?
Maybe knowing why coaching is so beneficial will help you decide if it’s your next step...
Here are the 5 Whys of Coaching:
#1–Coaches Get You Unstuck!
When you’ve lived a certain way for much of your life, it’s difficult to get unstuck. Effective coaching leads you to identify your limiting beliefs and the outdated identities that keep you stuck. But not only do they help you recognize them, coaches also help you release them so that you can adopt a new story for yourself and a new mindset to live by. The most effective coaching begins with developing positive ways of thinking.
#2–Coaches See Potential In You That You Don’t See In Yourself!
When you’ve tried on your own with repeated failures and self-doubting, it’s not easy to see your own powerful potential hidden below the surface. The best coaches are not only those who see more in you than you can see for yourself, but also those who offer you a lifeline of simple step by step strategies to experiment with to discover what works for you. These kinds of coaches are available to work with you offering possible solutions so that you gain success in your life.
#3–Coaches Keep You On Track And Moving Forward!
How many times have you gained successful momentum only to stall or be detoured? Life often throws curve balls and monkey wrenches that thwart our attempts at change. Without a coach, you can lose your way and even give up on your goals! But a true coach won’t let you give up! In fact, they’ll teach you how to NOT give up on yourself and to keep going. They’ll help you discover and appreciate your own value too!
#4–Coaches Help You Troubleshoot When Things Aren’t Working!
Ever wish you could figure out why you keep trying things and nothing is working? And you have no idea what to do next or even what other possible strategies you should try…That’s what a great coach does with you–not FOR you–WITH you. Coaches have an outside perspective that allows them to offer problem-solving strategies to provide the solutions that you need.
#5–The BEST Coaches Train You To Maintain What You’ve Gained!
Really great coaches are those who empower you to maintain what you’ve learned and developed long after you have moved out from under their care. These coaches aren’t about you relying on them to gain and keep ongoing success in your life. True coaches are about developing resilience, perseverance, tenacity, and independence for those they help by offering life-long strategies for maintaining what’s been learned. These coaches also know from their own journeys what it takes to make and maintain positive changes for a lifetime.
These 5 whys of coaching provide benefits that far outweigh all the previous failures you may have experienced in your life, even turning those failures into triumphs to share with others.
As a professional with ADHD, I’ve learned through my own failures of living up to my potential over the years. And I use these stories from my own life in my ADDventures In Achievement Foundational Skills Program to demonstrate how any person, no matter their challenges, can fully become the best version of themselves.
In my 35+ years as a psychotherapist, I’ve used what I’ve learned about myself (my unique brain, my need for developing my own Executive Function skills, overcoming my own limiting beliefs and releasing my outdated identities), as well as my formal education and training, to coach and train others into brand new identities and brand new lives.
I’m the kind of coach who’s committed to always being direct and honest with you. I will never judge you. I will listen to you: your dreams and your fears, your aspirations and your challenges. I will celebrate your wins with you. I will show you how to chart a new path for your life, and I will help you reach your goals. In fact, as a coach, I’m all about empowering you!
I’d love to share information about the Empowered Achiever Effect with you, especially if you would like to learn more about working with me as a coach. If this is of interest to you, please sign up for more information here.
I’ll leave you with this quote to inspire your next step:
“Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen.”
— Pete Carrol