Dr B's Musings & Living Beyond ADHD Podcast
Executive function skills are all important for us to function well as an adult, whether this means raising children, running a household, working for a company or ourselves, or being in healthy relationships.
These skills are necessary so that we can get things done and not be in a constant sta...
What do you think of when you hear the terms “Executive Functioning” or “Executive Function skills?”
It sounds like language reserved for high-level professionals, CEOs, VPs and other upper-level management positions, doesn’t it?
Or maybe its language used in business conversations, like:
During the last few decades our society has been conditioned to the phenomena of the quick fix (AKA “life hacks''). With smartphones, computers, Google, microwaves, smart cars, and the multitude of technology at our fingertips, it seems natural that we’d gravitate towards finding the easy, quickest,...
If you’ve ever been disappointed or frustrated with the information or care you’ve received for your mental health and well-being, stay tuned.
Carl Jung said, “I feel it is the duty of one who goes his own way to inform society of what he finds on his voyage of discovery.”
Jung’s quote inspired...
For this blog post, I’m honored to share a special piece written by the amazing Maya Lear Brewer, whose journey through life’s difficulties and commitment to constant growth is inspiring to many. Enjoy!
Recently my husband and I celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary. Unlike last year, where we ce...
The title of this episode is a real question I am posing to all of my listeners. If you knew that you would not fail once again to achieve your desired outcome, what would you do? Would you tell yourself that’s not possible because you always fail? Or, would you be curious about what makes tha...
Achieving your goals is connected to how well-developed your EF skills and strategies are, and if they’re not well-developed, well, you know the rest of the story.
And I get it. Getting the right help for yourself is a Catch-22. It’s challenging because the very skills you need to help yoursel...
How would you feel if your employer told you to “take drugs” to increase your production at work?
Living with ADHD is challenging enough, but what if you weren’t aware of your condition or what if your employer didn’t appreciate your strengths and focused only on your weaknesses?
Would you manag...
Work life with ADHD and under-developed Executive Function skills is chaotic and challenging enough, but what if you found yourself putting everyone else’s needs above your own? Saying ‘yes’ to everything…
What if your employer didn’t know how to make room for your ADHD superpowers?
Does this s...
I have something a little different for you today. I did a live video last Friday, and people said it was great, so I turned it into a podcast episode so you all could benefit as well.
As you may have heard me say before, you don’t have to have a diagnosis or even suspect ADHD to have under-dev...