Dr B's Musings & Living Beyond ADHD Podcast
80% of the new students coming into the ADDventures In Achievement Foundational Skills program feel powerless over their current behaviors, are filled with self-loathing, and feel like an impostor - having lived with so many challenges their entire life. They constantly look over their shoulder ...
You may not know if being free of negative self-talk is going to be right for you. You may not know if you’re going to be SO happy with your new-found freedom that you’ll have to email me and tell me about it. You may not know if this transformation is going to be really fun and exciting.
Today I want to help you appreciate the significant impact Executive Function skills make in your life.
What happens when you really, really want something—you have the best of intentions!—but you don’t have the skills to back up your dreams?
Frustration, stagnation, loss of self-confidence.
Jim Rohn said - "For things to change, you have to change."
It seems very obvious when you think about it, for things to change, you have to change. I've been thinking about this quote a lot lately. And it's taken on a much deeper meaning for me, because he didn't say, for things to change, you ...
2020 has been a roller coaster. As the end of the year approaches, many holidays are coming up — yet some people are asking themselves what there is to celebrate.
It depends on where you look, because what you focus on grows.
You could start with the little things. As I always say, it’s important ...
Hey ADDers! Who do you think you are? Seriously!! Is your self-talk positive and encouraging? Are the stories you tell yourself and others about you positive and encouraging? Or, are they the kind of statements and stories that are contributing to holding you back and keeping you in an emoti...
Hey ADDers! I’m so glad you could join me for today. As Jim Rohn said, “For things to change, you have to change.” He was referring to your attitude and your mindset. Seriously! So let’s get to it!
HOPE is essential for you to achieve beyond your current limits. If you don’t have HOPE that your ...
Welcome to the thirty-fifth episode of Harness Your ADHD Power, a podcast show I created to explore the many facets of adult life with ADHD and how you can learn to harness your personal ADHD power to become unstoppable.
I’m so glad you could join me today. Throughout my 30+ years of working wit...
Welcome to the thirteenth Ask Dr B episode, and the thirtieth episode overall of Harness Your ADHD Power, a podcast show I created to explore the many facets of adult life with ADHD and how you can learn to harness your personal ADHD power to become unstoppable.
I’m so glad you could join me tod...
Welcome to the twelfth episode of Harness Your ADHD Power, a podcast show I created to explore the many facets of adult life with ADHD and how you can learn to harness your personal ADHD power to become unstoppable, as well as the addition of a new show format on Thursdays for you to Ask Dr B.