Dr B's Musings & Living Beyond ADHD Podcast
Hey ADDers! Do you have trouble “shifting” from your current task to the next task? Or maybe you have the opposite problem – where you are shifting way too quickly from thing to thing and leaving a trail of unfinished tasks in your wake. Even though most of the executive function assessments typi...
Hey ADDers! If you’re married, living together, dating, have close friends or it’s you and you…these are all different forms of relationships that you are in. And where there are relationships, there are potential challenges and delightful times to be shared.
I look at relationships as kind of a...
Hey ADDers! Do you have trouble “inhibiting” your impulses? Even though most of the executive function assessments typically look at the behavioral stuff, like blurting out, touching things you shouldn’t, cutting people off and more, to me there is so much more to understanding Inhibiting than ju...
Hey ADDers! As adults, we need certain capabilities to succeed in life - this success being things like responsibly raising children, getting and keeping a job, managing a household and contributing to our communities. Without these capabilities, our successes are iffy at best. If you know tha...
Hey ADDers! Do you have trouble getting yourself to focus on things you need or want to focus on? Do you even know what the right things are to be focusing on? And what about following through? Is that something that comes easily to you or do you have years of projects or tasks that you never...
Hey ADDers! Do you see upcoming, potential disasters ahead of time, like you going over the cliff BEFORE you get anywhere near it? Are you able to avert something negative BEFORE it happens because you remember what happened the last time? Are you living a life that is less adrenaline driven b...
Hey ADDers! Do you struggle with any addictions or have you in the past? Addictions are a BIG deal for those of us with ADHD and EF deficits for so many different reasons. In fact, the stats on frequency are about twice that of those without ADHD or EF deficits, if these issues aren’t being ful...
Hey ADDers! Who do you think you are? Seriously!! Is your self-talk positive and encouraging? Are the stories you tell yourself and others about you positive and encouraging? Or, are they the kind of statements and stories that are contributing to holding you back and keeping you in an emoti...
Hey ADDers! Do you ever wonder about the heritability of ADHD or how your emotions and feelings impact your executive functioning? In fact, do you know the difference between your emotions and your feelings? If yes and no, this episode is for you!!
According to Pema Chodron, an American Tibet...
Hey ADDers! Do you get overwhelmed, have meltdowns and generally have a hard time calming yourself down when you experience an intense emotion or emotional situation? If so, this episode is for you!!
And if you haven’t yet listened to episode 050, it’s an important milestone for me and I share...