Dr B's Musings & Living Beyond ADHD Podcast
When you set a goal, you are setting a direction for yourself. And setting a direction can change the course of your life; it depends on the goal that you set.
In my 50s, I wrote a goal on my flipchart one day that I wanted to have a positive impact on the lives of at least a million people in ...
Recently someone asked me if I considered ADHD a disorder, and to what extent is ADHD a disorder based on how our society is structured.
Meaning, if culture were different, would it be better suited to ADHD?
Well, this is an interesting question to consider.
According to the Diagnostic and S...
If you could get yourself to focus when and where you need to AND could shift your state or feelings so you feel like doing things you’ve planned, when it’s time to take action, would having those skills change your life? If you’re like other adults I’ve asked over the years, the answer is a res...
I pursued an ADHD diagnosis with many professionals, only to be refused an assessment with two and granted an assessment with one who decided there was nothing significantly amiss with me – just a little anxiety.
Seriously?! The two that turned me away said it would be a waste of time (whose ti...
You may not know if being free of negative self-talk is going to be right for you. You may not know if you’re going to be SO happy with your new-found freedom that you’ll have to email me and tell me about it. You may not know if this transformation is going to be really fun and exciting.
Grace means a lot of different things, like decorate, triumph, objectify, accomplish. It also means to have favor—as in divine favor to accomplish something when the odds appear impossible. Grace can be the way we appear, the way we move our bodies, or the way we move through life. It can be the way...
So many of us grew up without the opportunity to become the person we want to be. Whether our homes were filled with trauma or addictions or those who raised us were just missing the essential executive function skills to be able to pass them on to us, we didn’t get them. And so, it goes. Gene...
There's a lot of trauma that occurs as a result of not knowing what the source of our challenges are. And so many mixed feelings when and if we get diagnosed, everything from a huge sense of relief, and having an explanation for entire life experiences, to a deep sadness over the missed opportuni...
For some of us, time management is a significant issue and is one more piece of a pattern that undermines self-confidence.
Over the years, it can contribute to feelings of low self-worth, anxiety and depression. Overwhelmed by chronic frustration caused by our own unreliability, some people even gi...
Does time seem to slip through your fingers?
“I’ll just check Facebook real quick,” you say to yourself, and two hours later you realize you haven’t moved from your chair. You’ve read scores of posts, plus the comments, clicked the related links, etc.
You didn’t mean to spend so much time doing it...